Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA)
2-4 Lege Str., 1000 Sofia
B 6a

The Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA) was established in 2004 with the Ministry of Economy of Republic of Bulgaria. BSMEPA is a Government institution and its main functions are focused on the implementation of the Bulgarian Government’s policy for small and medium enterprises (SME). In this respect the Agency provides to Bulgarian SMEs information and consulting services, organizes training courses and implements promotion activities in supporting the increase of SMEs’ competitiveness and strengthening their international positions.
BSMEPA Mission:
- SMEs partner for business success and competitiveness
- Coordinating authority between the business, administration and NGOs
The main BSMEPA functions are realized through the activities of two directorates:
- Projects and Programmes Directorate implements the innovation policy of the Bulgarian Government. It administrates and monitors programmes, projects and initiatives related to the innovative activity and technological development of Bulgarian companies – National Innovation Fund, EUREKA, joint programme Eurostars. The Directorate acts as Intermediary Body of Priority Axis 3 “Promotion of the Private Sector” of the Bulgarian-Swiss Cooperation Programme to Reduce the Economic and Social Disparities within the Enlarged European Union.
- SME Development and Internationalization Directorate supports the Internationalization of the Bulgarian SMEs through providing services and implementing instruments for strengthening the International positions of the SMEs. It administrates a bilingual National Export Internet Portal; identifies and analyses the competitive industrial sectors and product groups; organizes trainings and seminars for companies’ capacity building and development of skills in foreign trade; organizes B2B forums in the country, trade missions abroad, the participation of SMEs in international exhibitions, fairs, and other promotional events. The Directorate operates as beneficiary of the EU funded project „Promotion of the Internationalization of Bulgarian Enterprises” of the Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of Bulgarian Economy” 2007- 2013.
- BSMEPA is delivering its services in partnership with branch associations, chambers of commerce and industry as well as other local NGOs.
- BSMEPA maintains close relations with more than 50 foreign business and trade development organizations with which the Agency has signed Cooperation Agreement and is participating in several international networks.
+359 2 940 7993