Code word “precision”

High technologies from VEKOM GEO, through which processes can be optimized: Leica BLK360 G2, Leica RTC360, Leica iCS50 /iCS20 and iCON Trades

Arctonic e мостът между дизайна, комфорта и функционалността

Нуждаете се от мебели за офиса и дома? Искате обаче те да бъдат леснопреносими? В такъв случай е повече от необходимо да спрете вниманието си върху NG NEERING DESIGN и мебелите с внедрената система Arctonic, които фирмата предлага на пазара.

Hot Jetted Tub at home

Personal health and the opportunity to unwind and relax in the context of the hectic daily life – minimal effort for maximum result will be offered by Softub Bulgaria during The World of Furniture.

Our exhibit is going to be a hot jetted tub. Highlights:

A Table or a Chair – Innovation, Comfort and Freedom by Furnit

At the exhibition The World of Furniture Furnit will offer a different table-chair. Why is it different? The design ensures easy and smooth transformation from a chair into a table and vice versa with just a single move. One person, one hand, one smooth move. Created to the highest standards, innovative and award-winning, Seattable is designed and manufactured with special attention to detail.

Corner sofas and simple shapes from Belcaro

Expanding the design and collecting new ideas are among the reasons why the leading furniture company Belcaro is joining the first independent edition of The World of Furniture.

The company will offer corner sofas and simple shapes.

The trendsetter in the textile sector – the Heimtextil brand

“Business platform for textile and interior design.” “World leader in the sector.” These are only some of the definitions professionals gave of Heimtextil on 27 March. This was the day when the working meeting “Presenting the Heimtextil brand of Messe Frankfurt” took place within TECHNOMEBEL and THE WORLD OF FURNITURE. Those present were also inspired by the preliminary information about the 50th anniversary edition, which will take place from 7 to 10 January 2020.